Telegram Group Search
Best tool to minimize html?

I am using django-webpack-loader to bundle and minimize my css and js. What should I use to minimize my html?

Need help with s3 and django-storages

Hello everyone, this is my first time working with any cloud storage. I am following this tutorial here from Michael Herman, and there were a few discrepancies right from the beginning.

First, when I tried running the collectstatic command, I got this error:

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied

I looked up a bit, and apparently you have to set AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = None and doing that fixed it.

So now my static files were being uploaded to the s3 bucket when I ran collectstatic.

But when I visited the webpages, the static images and stylesheets were not getting fetched as expected.

I tried many different things at this point, but none of them worked. I typed the s3 object url in the browser and this was the error I was getting:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

Now the next logical thing I did was to make all the bucket objects as public. The tutorial doesn't do this and I'm not sure if its a bad thing or not? Anyone

PyCon US 2024 | All recorded content now available!

All sessions on the Main Stage at PyCon US 2024 are now posted for your viewing pleasure as well as:

* Our amazing Keynote speakers [u/kjaymiller]([email protected]), Kate Chapman, [@brainwane]([email protected]), and [@simon]([email protected]) ️
* Lightning talks
* The Python Steering Council
* Tutorials
* Sponsor Presentations

Check it out on the official PyCon US YouTube channel:

* [](
* Full Playlist: [\_HvXqvYhjub9bw4uDAmNtprgAvlJ](

ORM is hard

First project ever. Spent a couple of weeks finalising the model. Getting complex queries right is such a pain. Keep getting lost in the syntax. Joins don't work. Column names are strings sometimes, sometimes not. The syntax is maddening. I get things right in my mind though.

I'm pulling data out of querysets into lists so that I can use normal string methods instead of annotating querysets and getting stuck. How much of a performance penalty is that in the real world?

D Simple Questions Thread

Please post your questions here instead of creating a new thread. Encourage others who create new posts for questions to post here instead!

Thread will stay alive until next one so keep posting after the date in the title.

Thanks to everyone for answering questions in the previous thread!

How can I enable connection pooling in Django REST Framework with PostgreSQL without using PgBouncer?

I do not want to use PgBouncer because there are no proper articles on how to enable it. Could you please share articles on how to do this without using PgBouncer

Looking for Internship

Hello. I am a 2nd year student in Computer Science, and self learned in Django with proficiency in Django Authentication, CRUD, API Integration and Solid grasp on database management. I am looking for remote internship that will help me more to learn about backend web development. I can't find good internships to gain more skills. Everybody is mostly demanding for a last year student, also applied in Internshala but couldn't get any internship offer. kindly recommend me remote internships that will help me gain skills. And also recommend me if internship is helpful or not, and other tips to utilize my summers.

Have 2 different Add User Pages in Django Admin

Is it possible to have 2 Different Add User Pages in Django Admin and have that info save to the same Custom User Model? What we want is to have another Add User Page that has different fields that the default Add User. so far, I managed to override the template and add a "Add Personnel Button", but it has not functionality as of yet.

Example we have 2 Users: User and Personnel
User have username, passwords + address and a File Upload Fields(required field).
Personnel only have the username, passwords + address fields

The default Add Button directs to the Add User page of User.
I want the Add Personnel Button to redirect me to an Add User Page to add Personnel Users. How can I do this?

What change in Python 3.12 is so hard for deep learning frameworks to support?

I noticed that both Pytorch and Tensorflow don't support Python 3.12 yet. It's obviously not a big deal, but I'm curious. What changed in 3.12 that is so difficult to support? Should we expect this sort of n-1 issue at every point release?

How do you male sure you have a robust architecture for your App ?

Hey guys,

I managed to deploy an app on an EC2 instance with Cron jobs and a webhook. I know that the architecture is poor, this is why I am asking for pieces of advice to help me on deploying a solid architecture on AWS for an app that would need lot of syncs with third party APIs.

Thanks in advance for the help :)

I made a game it's a rouge like inspired by balatro

I made a game it's a rouge like inspired by balatro my target audience is balatro/rouge like gamers it is the first of its developers so fist Comparison or another edition. its the first public release.

Difficult to decide on node vs django

Can someone please help me choosing one framework between these two?
- Must be highly scalable
- API should be fast working
- Should not take time for development

And please mention why to choose that framework.

ecommerce characteristics side bar

So I am a beginner when it comes to Django and web development, and I need to make a sidebar containing characteristics to filter the products by characteristic (color, RAM, storage, ...). I have the characteristics stored as a JSON object, and I don't know how to make use of that (I am open to changing the storage method if needed). I use PostgreSQL for the DB. Any advice is appreciated, and if possible, please use simpler technical terms as English is not my first language.
here is refrence of an example from amazon that i want to follow.
as for the type of products, the website contains a wide range of products from tech stuff to perfumes and clothes.

Flask-Tenants: Contributors and testers wanted

Hello all!

Flask-Tenants is a subdomain-based event-driven multitenancy module that allows for custom tenant-scoped models, automatic schema switching, and more. The project is mostly functional with some small bugs here and there that are in the process of being patched. There are probably features that would be nice that I haven't thought of either.

You can access the GitHub here:

There is a demo application to help you get started here:\_app

If you don't want to help with writing code, there are many other ways you can contribute as well: testing, ideas, and documentation all come to mind, but there is probably more.

All help is appreciated for what is sure to be a popular module in the near future :).

Current practices for static(ish) high-traffic parts of django projects?

Hi, it's been many years since I did a lot of django, so excuse the ignorance. I am launching a site soon though, with a backend on Django (using the Pegasus SaaS boilerplate to be specific), and it has a reasonable chance of getting mentioned on high traffic channels, which could lead to bursts of drive-by traffic. I anticipate a lot of folks checking out the landing pages, watching the first minute of videos (hosted on youtube) and moving on. Some tiny percentage will actually sign up and use the app, moving into normal dynamic app territory.

Sooo... I'm wondering what the smart thing is these days to make the largely static pages as light as possible on the server. I could load balance to a static server, but I'd really prefer not to have to figure out some static site builder system in addition to Django. Maybe caching is enough? Maybe there is a way to render django pages to static content so I can reuse my templates?

For what it is worth, the current deployment plan is that the site runs from docker images on a VPS.

Any pointers to resources much appreciated! thanks

Thursday Daily Thread: Python Careers, Courses, and Furthering Education!

# Weekly Thread: Professional Use, Jobs, and Education 🏢

Welcome to this week's discussion on Python in the professional world! This is your spot to talk about job hunting, career growth, and educational resources in Python. Please note, this thread is not for recruitment.


## How it Works:

1. Career Talk: Discuss using Python in your job, or the job market for Python roles.
2. Education Q&A: Ask or answer questions about Python courses, certifications, and educational resources.
3. Workplace Chat: Share your experiences, challenges, or success stories about using Python professionally.


## Guidelines:

- This thread is not for recruitment. For job postings, please see r/PythonJobs or the recruitment thread in the sidebar.
- Keep discussions relevant to Python in the professional and educational context.


## Example Topics:

1. Career Paths: What kinds of roles are out there for Python developers?
2. Certifications: Are Python certifications worth it?
3. Course Recommendations: Any good advanced Python courses to recommend?
4. Workplace Tools: What Python libraries are indispensable in your professional work?
5. Interview Tips: What types of Python questions are commonly asked in interviews?


Let's help each other grow in our careers and education. Happy discussing! 🌟

Need help with s3 and django-storages

Hello everyone, this is my first time working with any cloud storage. I am following this tutorial here from Michael Herman, and there were a few discrepancies right from the beginning.

First, when I tried running the collectstatic command, I got this error:

botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutObject operation: Access Denied

I looked up a bit, and apparently you have to set AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = None and doing that fixed it.

So now my static files were being uploaded to the s3 bucket when I ran collectstatic.

But when I visited the webpages, the static images and stylesheets were not getting fetched as expected.

I tried many different things at this point, but none of them worked. I typed the s3 object url in the browser and this was the error I was getting:

<Message>Access Denied</Message>

Now the next logical thing I did was to make all the bucket objects as public. The tutorial doesn't do this and I'm not sure if its a bad thing or not? Anyone

Question on how to avoid heavy queries

I’m building a Django app which is database intensive, I’d like to have reports (data similar to a database view) to avoid database load. What are the best practices ? Use Postgres views ? Create the report as a Django model ?

Pls guide me

2024/07/04 06:37:13
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